Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable

Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable
The Microsoft® Windows® Installer is an application installation and configuration service. WindowsInstaller-KB893803-x86.exe is the redistributable package for installing or upgrading Windows Installer.
Issues that are addressed in Windows Installer 3.1
• Windows Installer now logs null characters ('[~]') correctly when the characters are used in a registry value marker or in a service dependency.
• The MsiGetFileHash function now works correctly for very large unversioned files. These files may be about 2 GB.
• The MediaSrcProp property of a patch is now set to the original launched-from location when the patch is installed. The MediaSrcProp property is set to the cached patch location for subsequent transactions.
• The progress bar now works correctly even if the package contains a file that is larger than 2 GB.
• Patching of isolated components now works.
• Target information for a custom action is no longer logged when the custom action fails if the custom action is marked to hide the target.
• Error 1642 (ERROR_PATCH_TARGET_NOT_FOUND) is returned even if only one Windows Installer 2.0-style inapplicable patch is being applied.
• Applying a full-file Windows Installer 2.0-style patch that contains companion files no longer requires access to the source media.
• Windows Installer 3.1 performance has been enhanced during initialization of a package that contains many features.
• Windows Installer 3.1 now correctly handles the scenario where a minor update package exists and an obsolete or superseded patch also exists.
• Patch application now handles cases where the Sequence column of the Patch table is larger than 32,767.
• Windows Installer 3.1 now sends INSTALLSTART_ACTIONSTART messages for all actions.
• In Windows Installer 3.0 and earlier versions, if you applied several major upgrade patches, subsequent installations occasionally failed. This issue is now fixed.
• Windows Installer no longer incorrectly initiates a repair operation when a component contains a 32-bit assembly on a 64-bit computer.
• The patch sequencer no longer incorrectly rejects a valid patch during administrative image patching.
• Windows Installer 3.1 no longer skips script custom actions that are marked as asynchronous.

Can be downloaded from here
News source can be accessed here

The Windows Installer 2.0 used a previous naming convention for the redistributable: Instmsi.exe. The redistributable for installing or upgrading to Windows Installer 2.0 on Windows 2000 should not be used to install or upgrade Windows Installer 2.0 on Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP. The Windows Installer 2.0 used a previous naming convention for the redistributable: Instmsi.exe. The redistributable for installing or upgrading to Windows Installer 2.0 on Windows 2000 should not be used to install or upgrade Windows Installer 2.0 on Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP.

Right-click the cached Windows Installer file that has the Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 RTL x86 enu comment, and then click Repair. After the repair process has completed, quit Windows Installer. Run the.NET Framework 2.0 Redistributable package at a command prompt. To repair the.NET Framework 2.0 by using the command prompt, follow these steps. Right-click the cached Windows Installer file that has the Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 RTL x86 enu comment, and then click Repair. After the repair process has completed, quit Windows Installer. Run the.NET Framework 2.0 Redistributable package at a command prompt. To repair the.NET Framework 2.0 by using the command prompt, follow these steps.

-->Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable


This documentation is intended for software developers who want to use Windows Installer to build installer packages for applications. If you're looking for a redistributable for Windows Installer 4.5 and earlier, see this article. Note that there is no redistributable for Windows Installer 5.0. This version is included with the OS in Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and later client and server releases (including Windows 10).

Microsoft Windows Installer is an installation and configuration service provided with Windows. The installer service enables customers to provide better corporate deployment and provides a standard format for component management. The installer also enables the advertisement of applications and features according to the operating system. For more information, see Platform Support of Advertisement.

This documentation describes Windows Installer 5.0 and earlier versions. Not all the capabilities available in later Windows Installer versions are available in earlier versions. This documentation does not describe versions earlier than Windows Installer 2.0. Installation packages and patches that are created for Windows Installer 2.0 can still be installed by using Windows Installer 3.0 and later.

Windows Installer 3.0 and later, can install multiple patches with a single transaction that integrates installation progress, rollback, and reboots. The installer can apply patches in a specified order regardless of the order that the patches are provided to the system. Patching using Windows Installer 3.0 only updates files affected by the patch and can be significantly faster than earlier installer versions. Patches installed with Windows Installer 3.0 or later can be uninstalled in any order to leave the state of the product the same as if the patch was never installed. Accounts with administrator privileges can use the API of Windows Installer 3.0 and later to query and inventory product, feature, component, and patch information. The installer can be used to read, edit, and replace source lists for network, URL, and media sources. Administrators can enumerate across user and install contexts, and manage source lists from an external process.

Windows Installer 4.5 and later can install multiple installation packages using transaction processing. If all the packages in the transaction cannot be installed successfully, or if the user cancels the installation, the Windows Installer can roll back changes and restore the computer to its original state. The installer ensures that all the packages belonging to a multiple-package transaction are installed or none of the packages are installed.

Windows Installer 2.0 Download

Beginning with Windows Installer 5.0, a package can be authored to secure new accounts, Windows Services, files, folders, and registry keys. The package can specify a security descriptor that denies permissions, specifies inheritance of permissions from a parent resource, or specifies the permissions of a new account. For information, see Securing Resources. The Windows Installer 5.0 service can enumerate all components installed on the computer and obtain the key path for the component. For more information, see Enumerating Components. By Using Services Configuration, Windows Installer 5.0 packages can customize the services on a computer. Setup developers can use Windows Installer 5.0 and Single Package Authoring to develop single installation packages capable of installing an application in either the per-machine or per-user installation context.

Where applicable

Windows Installer enables the efficient installation and configuration of your products and applications running on Windows. The installer provides new capabilities to advertise features without installing them, to install products on demand, and to add user customizations.

Windows installer 2.0 redistributable for windows nt 4.0 and 2000

Windows Installer 5.0 running on Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8 supports the installation of approved apps on Windows RT. A Windows Installer package, patch, or transform that has not been signed by Microsoft cannot be installed on Windows RT. The Template Summary property indicates the platform that is compatible with an installation database and in this case should include the value for Windows RT.

Windows Installer is intended for the development of desktop style applications.

Microsoft Installer 3.1

Developer audience

This documentation is intended for software developers who want to make applications that use Windows Installer. It provides general background information about installation packages and the installer service. It contains complete descriptions of the application programming interface and elements of the installer database. This documentation also contains supplemental information for developers who want to use a table editor or a package creation tool to make or maintain an installation.

Run-time requirements

Windows Installer 5.0 is included with, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and later releases. There is no redistributable for Windows Installer 5.0.

Versions earlier than Windows Installer 5.0 were released with Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000. Windows Installer Redistributables are available for Windows Installer 4.5 and some earlier versions.

  • Windows Installer 4.5 requires Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and later, and Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and later.

  • Windows Installer 4.0 requires Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008. There is no redistributable for installing Windows Installer 4.0 on other operating systems. An updated version of Windows Installer 4.0, which does not add any new features, is available in Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows Server 2008.

  • Windows Installer 3.1 requires Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 (SP3).

  • Windows Installer 3.0 requires Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 with SP3. Windows Installer 3.0 is included in Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2). It is available as a redistributable for Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 3 (SP3) and Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 4 (SP4), Windows XP RTM and Windows XP with Service Pack 1 (SP1), and Windows Server 2003 RTM.

  • Windows Installer 2.0 is contained in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP.

  • Windows Installer 2.0 is available as a package for installing or upgrading to Windows Installer 2.0 on Windows 2000. This package should not be used to install or upgrade Windows Installer 2.0 on Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP.

In this section

Windows Installer 3.1

A guide to Windows Installer documentation.
General information about the installer.
What's New in Windows Installer
Lists additions and changes to Windows Installer.
Documentation of Windows Installer functions.
Windows Installer Scripting Examples
Windows Installer examples using script.