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  1. Christian Resources
  2. Christian Resources Online

Deepen both your knowledge of the Bible and your relationship with Jesus. Bible Study Guides that are relevant, engaging and life-changing —- making your life better now, and giving you a real, solid hope.

Free Study Guides

1. God's Simple Plan of Salvation Study Guide - 21 Days.
2. Steps for a New Christian Study Guide - 21 Days.
3. Steps to Spiritual Maturity Study Guide - 21 Days.
4. Gospel of John Study Guide - 21 Days.
5. Encouraging Spiritual Devotionals - Daily.
6. Christ Centered Newsletter - Monthly.

7. Coming Soon - Sharing the Gospel and Personal Bible Studies.

1. God's Simple Plan Of Salvation Study Guide - 21 Days

Christian Resources

Is There Really A God?

We are all searching for God. We want to know the purpose of our life and what leads to true fulfillment. We desire to love and be loved. You may be wondering what life is all about, and if there is something more.

God's Simple Plan of Salvation is designed for those searching for life's questions, new to the Bible or are a New Christian.

God's Plan For You ... Are you searching for Answers? This study guide is for those that are curious or are searching. Want to know the purpose of your life and what leads to true fulfillment.
This course is sent once a day for 21 days.
Sign Up Here.

2. Steps For A New Christian Study Guide - 21 Days

FreeFree Christian Resources & Downloadshome

For those Learning about the christian faith.

Free Christian Resources & Downloadshome

God Made Us For A Reason. Because God made us He has a purpose for each and every one of us and that purpose is to know and to worship Him. There is a God shaped hole in our soul that can only be filled by having a relationship with the God who created us.

Every one of us feels that need and that draw, and it's a longing that can't be filled by money, material possessions, success or anything else on this earth even religion cannot fill this void. This Study guide is specifically designed for New Believers, it covers the basic of the Christian Faith and living a life honoring to God.
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3. Steps to Spiritual Maturity Study Guide - 21 Days


Answering the Question: How can I grow in my spiritual life?

What does it take to grow up and become spiritually mature? Why do some Christians not grow as they should? God's word presents steps we can take toward growth and spiritual maturity by this study guide.

Christian Resources Online

Spiritual life has often been compared to walking upstream. If you are not progressing forward, then you are going backwards. The waves of the world are too powerful; the ungodly TV shows, the ungodly music, the depraved culture of this world are always seeking to push a believer backwards. Therefore, we must always seek to progress in our spiritual lives; otherwise, we will be spiritually declining.

In this 21 day study guide on Spiritual Maturity we answer questions like: How can you be spiritually strong? What is the meaning of spiritual development? What is the meaning of spiritual growth? How can I grow in my spiritual life?
Sign Up Here.

4. Gospel of John Study Guide - 21 Days

Knowing God Better - Gospel of John

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a 21 day study guide that goes along with you reading your Bible in the Gospel of John a chapter a day.

If you're looking to take a first step in reading God's Word, our 21-day Challenge is for you. It's a simple way to begin making Bible reading part of your day. We believe that there is a message from God and about God and His will for your life in the gospel of John. Probably the most important thing you can do is develop the habit of reading the Bible every day. It’s the primary way that God speaks to us, which means it’s vital to your relationship with Him as you follow along with this study guide of the Gospel of John.

You will be surprised the life altering changes that will happen in your life as you develop an important habit of reading God's Word every day.
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5. Encouraging Spiritual Devotionals - Daily

Refresh Yourself - Renew Your Spirit - Refocus Your Mind.

Free Christian Resources & Downloadshome

We all know how easy it is to get caught up in the demands of life. But if we don't spend time daily in God's Word and in Prayer, we grow weak and weary. Daily Devotions enhance each day with verses from the Bible, reflection on the scriptures and prayer. You will find the strength, peace and comfort you need to strengthen your walk with Christ.

A new devotional for each day sent by email for your encouragement and spending time in God's Word. This is a daily devotional that helps God's people refresh, refocus and renew their faith through Bible reading, reflection, and prayer.
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6. Christ Centered Newsletter - Monthly

Encouraging! Inspirational! Uplifting!

Each month we sends out a monthly newsletter encouraging those searching, curious, and new believers. All our articles are designed to uplift those that are struggling with life and their faith in God. Starting out the Christian life is crucial but it is equally important to finish well. This is why it is important to never give up, keep trusting God.

Receive our newsletter in your email on popular Christian topics, devotionals, and Bible Study.
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Coming Soon- Check Back Often

7. Sharing the Gospel with Others - Personal Evangelism Training.

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If you try to do too much studying at one time, you will tire and your studying will not be very effective. You are welcome to sign up for all our study guides, but you will be receiving at least 5 emails daily if you do, which can be overwhelming. Taking too many study guides will not fry your brain, but it may cut into your efforts to do your best learning. We highly recommend you sign up for just one or two study guides, and on day 21 when you are finished, you will have the opportunity to sign up for any of our other study guides.

Way to Go!
That’s an amazing, life changing step to study God’s Word. Now what?
But first, allow me to congratulate you on searching for spiritual answers for your life!

And let us know any way we can serve you better here. Your input is important to us, you are important to God and to us! May God bless your study of His precious Word the Bible!

The scriptures are perfect, but men are fallible. I prayerfully check all of the material I put on my sites. However, I am quite capable of missing something or making a mistake. If you find anything at all on these pages that is questionable or find any links broken please contact us here.